词语吧>英语词典>indirect object翻译和用法

indirect object

英 [ˌɪndəˌrekt ˈɒbdʒɪkt]

美 [ˌɪndəˌrekt ˈɑːbdʒɪkt]

n.  间接宾语



    • 间接宾语
      a noun, noun phrase or pronoun in a sentence, used after some verbs, that refers to the person or thing that an action is done to or for
      1. In ‘Give him the money’, ‘him’ is the indirect object and ‘money’ is the direct object.
        在give him the money中,him是间接宾语,money是直接宾语。


    • 间接宾语
      Anindirect objectis an object which is used with a transitive verb to indicate who benefits from an action or gets something as a result. For example, in 'She gave him her address', 'him' is the indirect object.



      • the object that is the recipient or beneficiary of the action of the verb


        • Besides direct and indirect measures, object oriented metrics and structure oriented metrics are united by the structure.
        • Modeling of Indirect Drying Equipment and Software Program with Object Oriented Method
        • In addition, a special kind of semantic relation between subject/ indirect object and direct object has been noticed& "the transfer of ownership".
        • You should put the direct object after the indirect object.
        • Common function words in Japanese include "case markers," or short sounds which can indicate whether a noun is a subject, direct object, indirect object, etc.
        • The first chapter is about the fundamental theory of the case grammar, and analyses the relation between case grammar and indirect object and adverbial.
        • Geophysical exploration is an indirect means of detecting an object by studying the differences in physical characteristics to determine the spatial structure of the fault.
        • You use object pronouns as the direct or indirect object ofa verb.
        • Utilizing basic theory of linear-algebra, the method of assigning indirect cost in activity-based costing is explained detailedly. Beginning from all kinds of resources consumed, indirect cost is distributed to the cost object through resource cost driver and activity cost driver.
        • Based on the previous research regarding the relationship between DC ( Dative Construction) and DOC ( Double Object Construction), from the perspectives of syntactic theories, semantic constraints towards direct object and indirect object, the thesis demonstrate that no transformation exists between DC and DOC.